All of the German Shepherd parents and their litters are fully AKC registered, and the puppies will come with unlimited AKC registration applications. The black and tan puppies (and sable when available) are $950 each (firm). Prince and Thor sometimes produce solid white puppies, and the white puppies are $1200.
If the puppies are less than 8 weeks old, I will hold them with a $100 deposit, with a balance due of $850 (or $1100 for white) when the puppy is picked up. The exact puppy can be selected when the puppies turn 6 weeks old. Selections are made in the order that the deposits are received. You can make your selection in person, or I can send pictures of the puppies for you to choose that way. If you want to reserve a puppy, please let me know which set of parents you want the puppy from, and whether you want to reserve a male or a female puppy. More information about the puppies is listed below the pictures.
Below are the pairings for the litters. For the litters already born, the number of puppies available is listed. For the upcoming litters that haven't been born yet, the number of puppies already reserved is shown. I don't like to accept more than 3 deposits for male puppies and 3 deposits for female puppies from each litter. If you want to place a deposit when there are already three deposits on male or female puppies in a litter, please be aware that the odds of getting a puppy from that litter are not great. The average German Shepherd litter is about 8 to 9 puppies, but I don't want to accept too many deposits and not be able to deliver the puppies you are expecting. If there aren't enough puppies born in the litter where you have a deposit, you can decide to either get your deposit returned or move the deposit to another litter.
Black and tan puppies and sable puppies are $950 each, male or female. Solid white puppies (when available) are $1200. I am firm on the price. Rare Silver puppies (when available) are $1800 each.
Pictures of the parents are near the end of this page.
Dam: Porsche
Sire: Prince
Born: December 28
Ready to go: February 22
Puppies available to reserve:
all puppies reserved
Dam: Princess
Sire: Hercules
Born: January 3
Ready to go: February 28
Available to reserve:
1 male available
all females reserved
Dam: Diamond
Sire: Harley
Born: January 11
Ready to go: March 8
Available to reserve:
all puppies reserved
Dam: Roxy
Sire: Hercules
Born: January 11
Ready to go: March 8
Available to reserve:
2 females available
All males reserved
Dam: Venus
Sire: Thor
Expected to be born: early March
Ready to go: early May
Puppies already reserved:
1 male reserved
0 females reserved
(The numbers in the table above are the number of deposits I've received on each litter. I won't know the exact number of puppies available until after they are born. I am limiting reservations to 3 males and 3 females from each litter until the litter is born.)
In January 2024 we decided to take our breeding program to the next level and become licensed breeders. Our facility and practices have been inspected by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and we passed with no corrections needed. Our TDLR license number is 425. Our kennel name is Zeus German Shepherds, named after our favorite stud, Zeus. Zeus lived a very long, happy life on our ranch, passing away in December 2024 at the ripe old age of 13 years, 7 months after producing hundreds of healthy puppies. He will always hold a very special place in our hearts.
Legally required disclosure: Dog and cat breeders are regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, P.O. Box 12157, Austin, Texas 78711, 1-800-803-9202, 512-463-6599,
We have also successfully passed kennel inspections with no violations from the American Kennel Club to ensure compliance with their guidelines. You can buy with confidence knowing that all of our dogs are evaluated for their health by a licensed veterinarian at least every year and that our facilities and breeding practices are fully compliant with the strict state TDLR and national AKC guidelines. We don't just meet their standards, but we make sure that all of our dogs are treated like the family members that they are. My wife and I don't have any 2-legged children, so we pour all of our love and attention into these 4-legged children.
Please call, text, or e-mail before making a deposit. If you want to reserve a puppy, please let me know which set of parents you want the puppy from, and whether you want to reserve a male or a female puppy.
You can also make the $100 deposit by PayPal (to, Zelle (to 817-629-3246), Venmo (to @glennbalog), or CashApp (to $GlennBalog). Deposits can also be paid in person using any of these methods or cash.
The exact puppy can be selected when the puppies turn 6 weeks old. Selections are made in the order that the deposits are received. You can make your selection in person, or I can send pictures of the puppies for you to choose that way. I wait until 6 weeks to make the selections to allow the puppies to start showing differences in their personalities and colors.
The parents are all American Kennel Club registered and the litter is also registered with AKC. You will get an AKC registration application with the puppy's unique AKC number, as well as the parent's AKC registration information. The American Kennel Club charges $40 if you want to get the AKC registration certificate changed to your name.
They will receive their first vaccination shot at 6 weeks old and will have been given deworming medicine twice before they leave. I will do the second and third vaccination shots at no cost if you bring the puppy back to the ranch at 9 and 12 weeks old.
The puppy will have a microchip implanted under the skin on the back of the neck. The microchip provides a permanent identification if your dog is ever lost or stolen. Buyer will receive an application to register the microchip in their name at no cost. If you do not want a microchip in your puppy, please let me know before they turn 6 weeks old and I will not put a chip in the puppy you select.
Puppy’s health is guaranteed for 30 days after pickup. This allows plenty of time to have the puppy checked by a vet if desired. The guarantee is limited to return of the purchase price only. The puppy must be returned to seller with the AKC and microchip paperwork in order to obtain a refund.